El Peregrino

From being a child I was enchanted by the idea of hiding things away in secret books. I guess I loved books, and I loved secrets ! When the EAQRP Club (The Spanish QRP Association) published “The Pilgrim” I thought it would the perfect vehicle for a nice little hidden “spy” transceiver. It operates on SSB on 17m, has a built in ATU and a built in microphone/PTT.

The Peregrino was designed by EA3FXF EA3GHS and EA4CIV. It was borne out of a long, enjoyable after-dinner discussion at the 2012 EAQRP get together in Sinarcas, a lovely area of outstanding natural beauty north of Valencia. GM4WZG was part of the group whiling away late night hours developing an outline of requirements for this club project.

A methodical approach was made to the design of each stage of the transceiver. Note an interesting and unusual feature is a built-in ATU to allow the use of an EFHW atenna connected directly to the rig. Easily thrown over a local tree, no need for efficient grounding, El Peregrino is easy to use and effective. Many SSB QSOs have been made with it.