GM4WZG is my radio amateur call sign and everything that you see on these pages is part of my hobby. The BOB project was well received by local club members and I have made available some blank PCBs and components as a help to fellow amateurs.
To make life easy (and because I used to do IT for a living!) I am using “shop” software on this blog. Please note however that I am not running a commercial operation. I’m just one hobbyist helping out others with their experimentation and home-brew. I did not buy in bulk so the prices I paid will be no better than the ones you will pay if you order direct from component suppliers. I have put the fabrication CAD files in the public domain alongside other useful info here: This allows you to build the project independently if you want. To make a completed BOB you need to have soldering skills that include the ability to solder very small SMD parts.
The parts are delicate and I am selling parts “as is”, no warranties nor guarantees. These items have passed through my hands from RS Components, Mouser and JLCPCB and they should be considered to be used items even though none have been anywhere near a soldering iron.
There is no VAT because I am not running a business nor VAT registered. At the moment I am only making these boards available to UK addresses.
Best Regards and 73 Bernie GM4WZG